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LifeWave X39 patches

Introducing the LifeWave X39™ Patch. A historic breakthrough in affordable stem cell activation technology. The first product ever that is designed to activate your body’s own stem cells. The small self adhesive patches come in a sleeve of 30 patches - enough for a month. You apply one patch, leave it on for 12 hours then remove and discard it, then wait 12 hours before applying another patch.

The patches are latex free, non-transdermal, completely free of any drugs, chemicals, or stimulants and do not interfere with any medications you are taking since nothing goes into your body.

Each patch holds a secret - organic nanocrystals with innovative, patented crystal formations.  These tiny powerhouses are packed with a blend of amino acids, water, stabilized oxygen, sugars, and salts, all in unique proportions.  Why is that important? Because it results in distinct crystal lattice structures, thanks to the precise ratios of these components!
But here's the magic. These patches come to life when exposed to our body's own light frequencies, like infrared and invisible light (yes, you read that right!
Each patch is like a specialized conductor, orchestrating the elevation of naturally occurring peptides in your body. Now, because of the patented crystal structures in each patch, they reflect different frequencies back into your body. And what does that do? It kickstarts the production of specific, beneficial peptides that activate different pathways for your long-term well-being.
This amazing process is called photobiomodulation – where light creates change within your body.

Wearing the X39 patch elevates GHK-Cu  (Copper Peptide). The GHK-Cu (Copper Peptide) then activates dormant stem cells to a younger healthier state.

• To discover more about how the patches work, how to wear them, the benefits of wearing them and the history of the company, go here.

• To view testimonial videos showing how the patches have helped many people and also discover how the business model works and all you need to know about LifeWave and the X39 patches go here.

• To understand the Science, listen to some testimonies, and grasp the extent of the financial opportunity (video 48 min)  go here

To join my team as a brand partner go here and select the  level you wish to join at. I suggest core or advanced or premium if you can afford it. Whatever level you join at, you can upgrade to a higher level at any time. The sleeve quantities shown are for regular patches. X39 sleeve quantities are Core = 3, Advanced = 6 and Premium = 20.  All prices are in USD.

• You may do a one off purchase as a retail customer (expensive) or you may purchase as a preferred customer at wholesale prices and go on monthly autoship. Either of these can be done here. Set your quantity, click on continue, click on cart, then click checkout to pay retail or click preferred customer to buy at wholesale and go on monthly autoship. All prices are in USD.

» If you have any questions at all I am only a phone call away on 0408985203
» You can also connect with me on zoom
» with prior arrangement or on Wednesdays at 8pm aest.

X39 Price Guide
